
Busy moms need a place to find cool, dependable, trustworthy products without having to scour the Internet or stores themselves. This is just the place to find the latest and greatest products for mom and kids -- products that simplify your life and make you smile! These are NOT paid ads!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Yummy Non-Dairy Vegan Dessert Mixes

Hey, this site isn't ALL about working out! Sometimes we have to PIG OUT!!

For those of you out there with dairy allergies - or those who are vegans...

I found some really yummy cake, brownie, and cookie mixes to bake at home! Last year I was looking for the perfect cake mix for my daughter's first birthday. Since I have a very high dairy allergy (especially eggs) I searched for something I could actually enjoy with her.

Ta da! I tried the chocolate cake mix and it worked like a dream.

Here is the site:

I made her a mini "Junebug" cake just for her. Her nickname is junebug, by the way.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Nursing Gown

Some of you may know that I'm expecting Baby #2 any time now.
I've been searching and searching for a comfy nursingn nightgown to take to the hospital and beyond. I have not yet received the gown I ordered but it looks DREAMY.

Plus, it is on sale for $11 - yep, you read that correctly -- $11.

Check out all of the great finds at